The Story Behind the Story

Why did I write this book?

This is a book I wanted to read. I’ve been drawn to Medieval history (no idea why), and I wanted a story where the protagonist is actually someone you can root for. There’s been a trend in recent movies and series where the main character is an anti-hero. That used to be interesting, but it became so commonplace, it lost its novelty. I missed the traditional hero. That said, I didn’t want a hero who was perfect, but I didn’t want someone reveling in the darkest elements of humanity. I wanted someone struggling to find their way in the world, but doing it for the right reasons. 


I also, rather selfishly, wanted to see someone who was getting a little older but who still had some fight left. 

Who is the inspiration for Titus?

Titus is oddly, though not entirely, inspired by Michael Jordan. I’d just finished the second Nina Winter story, and my mind was still drawn to medieval life. That period is filled with stories about heroic knights and kings, and I imagined the legend of the NBA star if he was a famous knight. Jordan never lost in the finals. He always seemed to come up big and win. Imagine what those stories would’ve been like if you had the warrior equivalent of Michael Jordan. There was no video to prove or disprove anything, so these tales would’ve likely grown and been embellished. In this medieval context, people would’ve been talking about how many people you killed vs. how many points you scored. If you’d experienced the horror of war, I can only imagine that this idea wouldn’t sit well. 


Then I thought, what if Jordan was called back into battle? The myth would be subjected to reality. In addition, Jordan would no longer be in his prime. Coincidentally, Jordan came out of retirement a second time when he was nearing 40. Was he still great? Yes. Was he as great and was he unbeatable?



Jordan wasn’t the only inspiration for the character of Titus, but I liked the contrasting idea of myth vs. reality.  

What was my biggest takeaway after writing this book?


We inevitably feel like everything in our individual world is significant, but everything (and everyone) is small in the context of God’s larger story. We’re fortunate to have a role in any of it. He uses all of us, no matter our age or skill. He takes us where we are and has a purpose for all of us until his purpose is to call us home.

Who do we think will enjoy Legend of Titus the most?

Readers who enjoy traditional heroes and battles. It has a bit of a Braveheart and Gladiator vibe with people fighting against tyrannical rule, so fans of those types of stories will enjoy Legend of Titus.

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